Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Crazy Life

I LOVE my Crazy Life!!!  It makes things SO exciting!!  It seems like it has been forever since I have had a "relaxing" day.  I am either helping my Sister with her kids, going to appointments for Baby, appointments with house trades people or going to look at the "guts" for the new house.  I am pretty exhausted to say the least!  It has been great for my sleeping schedule though!  I know I need to rest up for Baby! 

I am SO happy to report that things are actually moving right along with the house.  There is a VERY good chance we just might be in the house before Baby makes an appearance.  I AM PRAYING REALLY HARD ABOUT THIS!!!!  It would be ideal to have everything in place BEFORE bringing home Baby!!  Right now if the weather keeps going like today, we should be moving in around July or August. 

We finally got the foundation poured on Saturday!  It was FREEZING outside too!  It is actually pretty fascinating to watch a foundation being poured.  I am SO glad it wasn't at 5am in the morning on a Saturday either!  This is a HUGE process with LOTS of noise, trucks and guys hollering!  I woke up to that a few Saturday's again with the duplex we are having built down the road from our current house!  And yes, the neighbor's were none too happy to say the least!  The Father in Law got a call from the City for that one!   But anyways, I was SO thankful that the rain held off until the foundation was poured and pretty much dried and being buffed.  Thank you, JESUS!!!!

Before the pour

During the pour. 

I still have LOTS to pick out for the house, but I pretty much know what I want.  Now, I just need to go buy the stuff and wait for it to be delivered.   So much stuff to pick out and chose from!  I need plumbing fixtures next week!!  EEEEKKKKK!!!!!  Windows too!  And a color for the concrete tile roof!  I'm getting anxiety as I type this!!  I need to GET BUSY!!!!  YIKES!!!!!!

My Mother In Law found this really inexpensive place to buy iron doors and told me I needed to check it out.  So, My Sister In Law, Mother In Law and myself took a little road trip to Tyler one Friday afternoon!  Good Times and SO worth the drive because my Sister In Law found what she wanted and I found exactly what I wanted!
Front Door, Check!
Ok, ok, enough about the house!  Onto more important topics..........BABY!!!!!!!!!!
It's going on week 15 now and things are moving right along.  The Baby has a great heartbeat and all looks good!  I actually found out the sex last week, but The Hubby doesn't want to know!  So, that means no one else gets to know either since I KNOW it would get back to him somehow!  So, I told "B" she couldn't say anything either!  I really thought it was going to be hard to keep it a secret, but I have find that I am actually getting pretty good at this secret keeping thing and I kind of like it!!!  I am kind of looking forward to the surprise of it when everyone finds out!  The Hubby wants to know when everyone else does, so we will see how that takes place!  He also said he might not want to know until the kid is born, SO it might be a LONG awaited surprise!  All I know, if the secret gets out, it WAS NOT me that told it!!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE making people wait in suspense!!! 
It makes my heart happy that The Hubby is getting excited.  He called me about something that one of his Client's had done for his Baby and so, Hubby had to call me and tell me about it as he wants to do it too.  He was SO excited about it and while he was telling me this, I could hear the SMILE on his face.  But, me being me, started laughing at him and was like, "Who is this??"  So, he got mad and said he had to go and hung up on me!  I am still laughing about it now!  
He text me the next day and said he had a dream as to what the sex was of the Baby and that it was twins!  Well, I assured him it wasn't going to be twins!  He REALLY REALLY wanted twins!  Sorry about his luck!  This girl is SO excited it wasn't twins!!! 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Happy BIRTH-day, Luke Joseph

What a BUSY week it was in my world.  It started on Wednesday when we went for a birth defect testing on Baby R.  Since we are using a Surrogate, we can't do the genetics testing that is usually able to be done which will also determine the sex of the Baby at 10 weeks.  So, it was basically just a detailed sonogram pretty much like what you get at 20 weeks.  It is called Nuclear Translucency Testing which has to be done between 10-14 weeks.  We pretty much got to know most of the results with the sonogram which showed everything to be great with the Baby and no signs of any birth defects.  We also got to hear the heartbeat which was the first time Jason heard it.  It was 171, which awesome! 

After the appointment, I had to rush to get Lily from my Sister so she could get her hair done and a pedicure before Luke's arrival.  We are keeping Lily until my Sister gets home with Luke and settled in.  On Thursday, my Sister went to work then came over to visit Lily.  So, we went to lunch at Bread Winners in Northpark (which was the worst service and food ever), then we went to my favorite store, Nordstrom.  I got Lily some Chucks!  She loves those things!!  For those that don't know what Chucks are, they are converse.  Then, we went to Build A Bear to get some surgery done on the bear I got her for Valentine's Day.  Once we finished up at the mall, we went over to Pottery Barn Kids to look at cribs.  I wanted to see how sturdy the one I want for Baby R was and it is perfect.  My Sister looked at the same one for Luke as well but in a different color.  Poor guy doesn't even have a room yet because my Sister doesn't want to give up the guest room where she will be sleeping with Luke.  After that, it was time for her to go home and get ready for Luke. 
She insisted on wearing them out of the store to be like LuLu.  I had mine on too!!  Oh, and the sunglasses she has on are actually for her Build A Bear!

So, here we are at Friday and it was time for the BIG day!!  Luke Joseph arrived February 28 at 9:01am weighing 6lbs 6ozs and was 19.5 inches long.  He is SO tiny and skinny!  No fat on him at all!!!  Lily woke up telling me we needed to get a Birthday cake for Baby Luke, so we got dressed and went to Whole Foods for a Birthday Cake for him.  Then we went to the Donut Shop for breakfast for Lily.  No, not for me!!  I was off to Starbucks for my Skinny Vanilla Latte.  On the way to the hospital with Lily, I got a call from the Doctor's office with the results of the testing and they said it was the lowest percentage possible for birth defects which was AWESOME news!!  Such a relief to hear and one less thing to worry about during all this!   When Lily and I got to the hospital, we went to the gift shop to get balloons for her and Luke.  She is OBSESSED with balloons and insisted on getting one! 

Here is the Little Diva ready to see Baby Luke!!  And yes, she did insist on wearing those sunglasses in the hospital!
Me holding Baby Luke for the first time!  He was about 4 hours old!
Lily singing to Happy "Dirthday" to Baby Luke!  (My Sister is going to kill me when she sees I posted a picture of her the day she gave birth!!  She had a C-Section so she had to stay in bed for 24 hours.)

Here we are at Monday.  Lily is completely exhausted from her BIG weekend at LuLu's were she gets away with pretty much anything!  So slept until 9:45, so I got some ME time!!  It made me realize that when I have Baby R I MUST get up VERY EARLY so I can have ME time for a bit before he or she wakes up every day.  I read one of my favorite blogs by Shay Shull and she said she wakes up at 4am everyday so that she can have her time in the morning to do her work, laundry or whatever she needs to do before her kids wake up.  I thought it was crazy to get up that early, but I totally see why she does it!  Smart Girl for sure!!!