Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Oh getting healthy.....

Well, since I am just in a waiting game with the Surrogate to get checked by the Doctor, I am dealing with my stress by going to Boxing class and getting healthy!  I was watching The Kris Jenner Show and she had Rocco Dispirito on and it inspired me to get his cookbook Now Eat This Diet book.  I tried this recipe for breakfast and it was AWESOME!!! 

Green Tea Watermelon Super Punch

As quoted from Rocco DiSpirito’s new cookbook Now Eat This! Diet:  “I CRAVE SMOOTHIES. I have 2 to 3 a day. Did I mention I’m forming a support group? This smoothie is one of my favorites. It’s souped up with high-antioxidant matcha (green tea powder). This one is made with yogurt, too—a wonderful probiotic food that has been shown in studies to help with fat burning. Oh, and if you suspect you’ve been unintentionally overdosing on smoothies, get help”.
Well when one reads that it is hard to not go make the smoothie!  Our Family LOVES watermelon, can’t get enough!  You all know how I feel about my matcha green tea, and my Greek yogurt so this smoothie seemed like the perfect cocktail!  Sure-fire hit!
  • 2 cups ice
  • 4 cups cubed seedless watermelon
  • 1 cup nonfat Greek yogurt, such as 0% Fage Total
  • ¼ cup fresh lime juice (I use almost fresh.  Try Nellie & Joe’s Famous Key West Lime Juice…it is awesome)
  • ¼ cup agave nectar (I don’t think you need this.  Make, then add if you feel it needs to be sweeter)
  • 1 cup chopped fresh pineapple
  • 4 teaspoons unsweetened matcha green tea powder
  • Toss all ingredients into a blender and blend for 5 minutes to increase volume.
  • Serve in glasses with a straw.
The 411: 176 calories 0g fat/0mg cholesterol/ 22mg sodium/37g carbohydrate/1g fiber/6g protein

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Retail Therapy Adventure with My Niece, Lily!

Well, after the day from hell yesterday I decided I needed a little retail therapy!  Nothing like Northpark to cue a bad day!  I love that place and the #1 reason I love living in Dallas.  Actually, it may be the ONLY reason I do!!  I had my little Sweet Pea Lily today, so it was perfect timing.  She LOVES to shop and was literally running to the garage door to get in the car and GO!!! 

Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE clothes, shoes, Louis Vuitton purses and makeup so when I decided to quit my job I REALLY had a hard time with it because I knew I would have to be on more of a budget than I want to be.  Hey, you can't change a person and their ways.  Besides, I do recall my wedding vows in which My Husband said and I quote, "Happy Wife, happy life."  I was sure to have our Wedding Minister send me over our vows, so I can remind him of that!!  My Husband on the other hand is the tightest person I know and ALWAYS looking for the BEST deal, so I knew it would be hard not work my full time job and still keep up my lifestyle.  It will be an ongoing issue for sure in our house, but I am up for the challenge!! 

So, anyways off to the Mall Lily and I went.  I was actually going to Dillard's to return a wedding gift and exchange it for something else off of our registry. See, I had a valid reason for going!!  After I walked around Dillard's home department for what seems like forever saying to Lily the entire time, "Don't touch that", I finally figured out what I was going to get and then we worked our way to the sale racks of Dillard's workout clothes to get some more outfits for my Boxing Classes.  I believe you MUST look cute when doing any type of workout outside of the house!  The Lady at the cash register asked how old Lily was and I told her two and she was SO amazed at her vocabulary and thought she was way older than two.  If she only knew!!! 

After that, it was lunch time for Lily and it is NEVER a good idea to have a hungry kid at the mall, so off to La Madeleine we went.  I LOVE that place and rarely go there anymore since I worked at home the last three years and ate at home.  That was good for the pocketbook for sure!!  Lily was SO good at lunch.  She sat in her booster seat like a Little Lady eating her lunch and I was SO proud of her!! 

Lily was being SO good that I decided I wanted to go look for part of an outfit I saw on Pinterest that I MUST have!!  If you aren't on Pinterest, you are missing the boat!!  Love it!!!  It is a great way to pass the time away!  Ok, anyways, so Victoria's Secret was on the way to Loft and I needed some headbands to match my workout outfits, so we stopped in to pick some up and Lily INSISTED on carrying the bag around the mall.  One Lady even asked me what I could have possibly bought her from there.  It was kind of funny!!  Well, while on the way to Loft, Lily starts yelling, "The Easter Bunny, the Easter Bunny, LuLu's."  I see a brass Bunny in the air and knew we were going to have to stop!  Lily is OBSESSED with the Easter Bunny and any Bunny what so ever is The Easter Bunny.  She told me I had to take her picture with the Easter Bunny, so this is what I got because she was SO excited she wouldn't stay put!
She is SO beyond excited!!!
This is her picture with the actual Easter Bunny this past year.  I swear the kid has NO fear!!!
My Sister said she was so excited to see the Easter Bunny she fell down running so fast just to get to him!
After the fun of the "Easter Bunny", we finally made it to Loft to look for my outfit.  I didn't find anything that looked liked what I wanted, so we left and went to H&M.  I have FINALLY learned that store just is not meant for me and quickly left!  I KNEW J Crew would have what I wanted, so we went there.  Sure enough, they had EXACTLY what I was looking for along with a price tag I wasn't.  So, it was off to my go to store for this type of thing, Banana Republic.  After looking through the store, I saw something that just might work, so off to the dressing room we went.  Lily entertained herself with my headbands from Victoria's Secret while I decided on the size of my jacket that fit me the best.  It was quite a decision too!!  Here is a picture from Pinterest of the outfit I am OBSESSED with duplicating and REALLY looking forward to fall so I can wear it.
It's the outfit I love, not the watch and purse!!  I need to find the jeans next, but I want to wait until I loose some more weight from my Boxing classes.  I also need a boyfriend cut to pull off the rolling of the cuffs on the jeans.  Maybe my True Religion jeans will work though.  That is the jean type pictured.  I shall try those and save money too!!  YAY, my Husband will be SO happy!!  Here is the jacket I bought at Banana...
The jacket isn't exactly the look and color I wanted, but it was ON SALE for a steal of a deal, so I can make it work.  It is also 3/4 sleeved and VERY stretching, so I really like both of those things.  This is going to look SO cute with a white tee and rolled up True Religion jeans along with my heels.  I can't wait to wear my outfit.  BRING ON FALL!!!!! 

Well, after I found what I needed at the Mall, it was time to head home.  This is what happens to a kid after shopping with Aunt LuLu....
Love her SO much!!!  She was a TROOPER!!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

One of those days!!

Today has been a VERY challenging day for me.  I am starting to feel VERY overwhelmed with ALL the things going on in my life.  I really thought when I left my job, I would have WAY more time on my hands, but I was WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!  It seems that I am busier than when I was working my full time job.  I guess it is a good thing to pass the time by fast though.  I am trying to have some me time by going to boxing class.  Let me tell you, it is definitely a good way to take out pent up frustration for sure.  I kind of look forward to my classes and find that I don't have as good of days when I don't go to a class.  I want to work my way to a KILLER body!!  I think it is going to do the trick!  Well, anyways, back to my horrible day.....

It all started when the dogs decided they needed to go out at 1am this morning.  I KNEW it was going to be a bad day from that moment on!  I figured I better get up with them so the Husband could sleep since I don't have to go to work anymore.  So, not getting enough sleep and thinking about all the things I need to get done was just too much to handle today.  I THINK we just might have the contract for the Surrogacy ready to sign.  MIRACLE!!  Who knew a contract could be so full of literal nonsense.  :-)  It really amazes me that so much stuff has to be put into a contract because of people that aren't honest.  I guess I just can't understand why anyone would take advantage of someone who is helping two people out with the miracle of a child.  I don't think I can ever wrap my brain around horrible advantage takers.  Anyways, 29 pages later, we have all the legalities set for us and the Person that will carry our sweet little Baby.  It feels like it has only take 100 years to get this thing going and I am VERY thankful it is completed for the most part.  We just need the signatures of all Parties, but first the Surrogate needs to get checked out my the Reproductive Endocrinologist. 

Well, that is another story in itself since she actually did that yesterday only to be told to come back when she got her cycle.  UUUUUGGGHHHHH!!!!  Such a waste of her time.  Why didn't they just tell her that from the beginning when she asked them if she needed to be???  HELLO PEOPLE!!!!!!  So, we will just wait until that day and go from there.  Let the waiting begin.

Onto the other stressful part of my life is the need to find a lot to build our house ASAP!!  I have been dealing with a Builder on a lot that he has in our desired Neighborhood, but the back and forth with him is RIDICULOUS!!  He of course tells us in the beginning he will sale us the lot I want only to later tell us he won't unless HE gets to build the house.  So, we are negotiating his ASTONOMICAL fee to just over see the project.  I just keep trying to get him to understand the urgency in the situation, but I don't think he gets it.  In the mean time, I will just keep editing the floor plan for the house which is a nightmare in itself. 

I guess that is all for now.  I think it is time for wine!