Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I have been reading Mix and Match Mama's blog here... http://www.shullfamily.blogspot.com/ for a while now and I LOVE it!!  She has really inspired me in so many ways.  One of the many things she does is making monthly goals for herself.  She writes down a few things every month that she wants to try hard to achieve.  So, I decided that it was time I start setting my own (realistic) goals. 

I love organization, but when it comes to setting goals, I have a really hard time following them.  But, no more!  I am going to start living the life I need to live and that includes setting monthly goals.  I think it holds me accountable for many reasons in this hectic, chaotic life of mine.

I may be a few days late on starting off for the whole month of July, but what's seven little days, right???  I wanted to start off with a few that are very important to me and I am really wanting to hold myself accountable for. 
Writing down my goals and looking at them everyday is going to be a great way to stay in check!  (Ignore my horrible penmanship!)

#1-I have really been missing the boat on my workout.  I was doing really well before the house stuff started, but then......well, you know!!  But, I had an epiphany after I was told something to the extent that I had the arms of a 60 year old......WOW!!!   That one really hurt!!!  So, I decided getting my fitness on was a MUST for July!!!  Did I mention that is was my "Mother in Law" that isn't really my Mother in Law that said that????  I know a lot of people look at me and say I am crazy for thinking I need to lose weight, BUT I really do.  Have you ever heard the term Skinny Fat???  Yep, that's me!!!

So, here are a couple people that I admire and helping me obtain my goal!
I mean seriously, Yolanda Foster is simply stunning!!  If she can look that good being older than me, than I KNOW I can do it!!

I love Tamra Judge!  She has a potty mouth, says what she wants and doesn't care what people think of her.  Wait....I know someone JUST like her!!  HA!!  Seriously, I love her because she is real and beautiful! 

Need I say anything???  Alexis has the PERFECT body and if mine could look half as good as hers than I would be ecstatic!! 

Kyle Richards is just classy!  Love her style, love her look, just love her!! 

#2-I would say for the most part that I really do eat healthy, but there are a lot of times when I eat pizza, enchiladas or burgers a little too much in some weeks.  So, I have decided that I will only eat those foods once a week.  This is going to be the challenge since we are selling our house and eating out way more than usual.  But, I can eat just as healthy at a restaurant as I can at home.  It just isn't as fun!  Must sacrifice for a killer beach body!!! 

#3-There are days during the week that I like to enjoy a glass or two of wine while watching TV with the Husband, but I know that drinking and the way you eat has an effect on weight and health.  So, I am only going to drink one time per week.  The weekends are going to be REALLY HARD since we pretty much go to nice dinners every single weekend!  I am going to really have to plan for this one!!!  And....if you have read my blog long enough, you know I need to drink to put up with some of this family of mine!!!  #lordhelpme!!!!

#4-The last one of my goals is actually one of the BEST and HARDEST goals I set for myself.  Why you ask???  Because if you know me, you know I am not one for walking away when I feel attacked!  But, I have also learned that people are who they are and some people just like to make idiotic comments to start a fight and I no longer want to give in.  I think this is going to be the most valuable of all my goals if I can achieve it.  I know I can do it though!  I will know that I walked away the better person! 

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Last Adventure....Maybe???

So, the Hubby has been wanting to go see his Cousin in California since our wedding, but there just hasn't been time with their schedule and ours to even nail down a date.  But, that all changed a month ago and a date was finally set.  I told Jason I didn't want to travel to far from home the last two months before Baby R's scheduled arrival date, so this is probably our last trip before Little Man arrives!  Maybe??? 

We left on Tuesday and came back on Sunday, so it was a decent amount of time to be gone.  Let me tell you, I am SO glad we went to Southern California when we did.  The weather was AMAZING!!!!  Like, I am ready to pack up and move there anytime!!!  I fell in love with the place RIGHT AWAY!!! 

We rented a convertible and it was the BEST THING EVER!!!  Driving all over San Diego and Orange County with the top down was AWESOME!!  Perfect weather to drive around such a beautiful place!  The views are spectacular!! 
The view from the car leaving our Hotel

We didn't get to the hotel until Tuesday night, so we just had  some dinner and did a little gambling (shocking, I know) before getting some sleep. 

On Wednesday, we just did a little relaxing at the pool and then got ready to go to dinner at a little Italian place in La Jolla.  OMG!!!!  LA JOLLA!!!  Love it!!!  It is SO cute!!!  I am SO glad we drove up to this little town. 
The pool at Harrah's was really pretty!  I was quite impressed!

The beach in La Jolla

Thursday, we took another road trip to Irvine so that Jason could take some cupcakes to a new client they are bringing on.  I was SO excited when I found out that Irvine was in Orange County!!  UUUUUHHHH, hello my favorite Housewives!!!!  Of course I didn't see any of them but I was sure hoping to at the mall!  Oh well, I did see a lot of the places they film at.  After we left the client's office, we drove up to Laguna Beach and had lunch at a Las Brisas on the beach.  The food wasn't the best, but it wasn't bad either, but the view was worth going to alone.  Oh, and the margaritas were REALLY good!!! 
This was our view while having lunch in Laguna Beach!

Friday we checked out of the hotel and drove back into San Diego to meet up with Jason's Cousin, Anne.  She invited us to lunch with her Company.  They provide lunch to their employees in Fridays to talk about the week and go over goals.  It was pretty nice to see how another person's Company is ran since I really only have experience with Jason's family business.  (Is there an eye rolling emoticon on this thing???  I would insert it here if so!)  They could take some pointers from his Aunt and Uncle for sure, but they won't!!  You all should check out their Company here.......http://www.environmentallights.com/.  If you need LED lights, this is your place!!  They are seriously the smartest people I have ever met!  Jason's Uncle knew LED lights were the way of the future before LED lights were even talked about in the lighting world. 

So, after lunch we went to his Anne and Greg's house.  Their house is simply beautiful.  It is on a an acre and a half on a hill and just SO pretty!!!  A girl could get used to this lifestyle for sure!!!  Did I mention that you can sit outside and not get eaten alive by bugs???  How great is that???  I think the Hubby got super excited when I said I wanted to move to Cali!! 
This was one of the patios at his Aunt and Uncle's house.  I could sit out there forever!!

The lemons from one of their lemon trees.  They are HUGE!!

I am so glad that I got to spent some time getting to know Jason's Aunt and her Family.  They are such wonderful people and I really wish we could have spent more time with them.  This was also the one of the first times since our Honeymoon that Jason wasn't obsessed with work stuff, so he said it was so relaxing.  I was SO SHOCKED!!  He is ALWAYS obsessing with work stuff on ALL our trips and it makes me completely CRAZY!!  This trip definitely goes down as one of my favorite trips we have taken!  Can't wait to go back with our Little Man!!! 

Until next time!
