I love organization, but when it comes to setting goals, I have a really hard time following them. But, no more! I am going to start living the life I need to live and that includes setting monthly goals. I think it holds me accountable for many reasons in this hectic, chaotic life of mine.
I may be a few days late on starting off for the whole month of July, but what's seven little days, right??? I wanted to start off with a few that are very important to me and I am really wanting to hold myself accountable for.
Writing down my goals and looking at them everyday is going to be a great way to stay in check! (Ignore my horrible penmanship!)
#1-I have really been missing the boat on my workout. I was doing really well before the house stuff started, but then......well, you know!! But, I had an epiphany after I was told something to the extent that I had the arms of a 60 year old......WOW!!! That one really hurt!!! So, I decided getting my fitness on was a MUST for July!!! Did I mention that is was my "Mother in Law" that isn't really my Mother in Law that said that???? I know a lot of people look at me and say I am crazy for thinking I need to lose weight, BUT I really do. Have you ever heard the term Skinny Fat??? Yep, that's me!!!
So, here are a couple people that I admire and helping me obtain my goal!
I mean seriously, Yolanda Foster is simply stunning!! If she can look that good being older than me, than I KNOW I can do it!!
I love Tamra Judge! She has a potty mouth, says what she wants and doesn't care what people think of her. Wait....I know someone JUST like her!! HA!! Seriously, I love her because she is real and beautiful!
Need I say anything??? Alexis has the PERFECT body and if mine could look half as good as hers than I would be ecstatic!!
Kyle Richards is just classy! Love her style, love her look, just love her!!
#2-I would say for the most part that I really do eat healthy, but there are a lot of times when I eat pizza, enchiladas or burgers a little too much in some weeks. So, I have decided that I will only eat those foods once a week. This is going to be the challenge since we are selling our house and eating out way more than usual. But, I can eat just as healthy at a restaurant as I can at home. It just isn't as fun! Must sacrifice for a killer beach body!!!
#3-There are days during the week that I like to enjoy a glass or two of wine while watching TV with the Husband, but I know that drinking and the way you eat has an effect on weight and health. So, I am only going to drink one time per week. The weekends are going to be REALLY HARD since we pretty much go to nice dinners every single weekend! I am going to really have to plan for this one!!! And....if you have read my blog long enough, you know I need to drink to put up with some of this family of mine!!! #lordhelpme!!!!
#4-The last one of my goals is actually one of the BEST and HARDEST goals I set for myself. Why you ask??? Because if you know me, you know I am not one for walking away when I feel attacked! But, I have also learned that people are who they are and some people just like to make idiotic comments to start a fight and I no longer want to give in. I think this is going to be the most valuable of all my goals if I can achieve it. I know I can do it though! I will know that I walked away the better person!