Mother's Day Sunday started off PERFECT!! I got up, took a shower, went downstairs for coffee, put my makeup on and fixed my hair. Great way to start my day for sure! Jason and I had made plans to go to Brunch before going over to the in laws for dinner. I LOVE Brunch and my favorite place to go is La Duni at Northpark. So, off to Northpark we went.
When we arrived at the mall, the parking lot was CRAZY!! I knew this was not a good sign, but we went in. When we got half way to La Duni, I could see crowds of people just standing around waiting. So, I told Jason we didn't have time to eat there and had to go somewhere else. So, we left and went to Uncle Julio's. This has become The Hubby's new favorite place to eat. It is good, so I was ok with going there especially since I we didn't have a lot of time.
Did I mention we were running late because the Husband is does EVERYTHING at the last minute??? He went to get a Mother's Day card for me, so I couldn't be mad at him for doing something nice. Too bad I have NO CLUE what the card says since it is in Spanish!! Yep, when you wait until the day of Mother's Day to get a card, there isn't a lot to choose from. :-)
So, anyways, while we were at Brunch and I was about to order a Bloody Mary, Jason got a call from the Father in Law. All I could hear Jason saying was, "oh, really, no way, someone broke in"..... Me being the paranoid freak I am, immediately thought someone broke into my new house, but it was actually the duplex we are also having built. I must say, I was relived it wasn't my personal future residence since it would have delayed things a bit!! Well, my day got totally screwed up after this phone call and it ended up being a pretty horrible day!!!!
No Bloody Mary on my first unofficial Mother's Day really sucked!! I guess I could have gotten one, but since I didn't know what we were about to deal with when we got to the duplex to assess what had happened, I didn't want to even start drinking yet! The Father in Law just said we had to get over there ASAP and get the fireplace that the vandals had drug out of the back unit to the alley. UUUUUHHHH, the fireplace literally weighs probably 500 pounds!!!! Ok, sure, no problem.....Jason and I can move it. Sure thing!! Hey, forget that I was trying to have a nice little morning on my first unofficial Mother's Day!!
The Father in Law told us that we had to call the Brother in Law to help move the fireplace but we couldn't get a hold of him. Jason was really confused why we even needed to move the fireplace back inside the house since it was pretty damaged and had to be replaced most likely anyways, plus the fact that it has been sitting outside in the backyard all morning. What was another few hours going to hurt??? We had to be at the in laws house at 2pm for Mother's Day and my Brother in Law was already half way to the house for the party.
Anways, long story short, the Father in Law insisted that we not leave until the fireplace was back in the house, so I told Jason to get the dolly and see if he could get it moved. The Father in Law was on the phone and Jason left to put to deal with getting it moved and I took the phone and told the Father in Law that we had plans today and this wasn't one of them. I then said, "can't we just do this later when we have someone else to help move this thing?" He then starts SCREAMING at me telling me all kinds of crazy things, so I just hang up!! I just started crying hysterically!!
I called my Sister (she can usually calm me down when dealing with the people I have to deal with these days) and when she answered I was crying so inconsolably that she couldn't even understand me! I was upset mainly because my First Unofficial Mother's Day had been totally ruined by a JERK!!! My Sister just told me to consider the source and not let someone like him ruin my day and just to hurry up and Lily would cheer me up! (Actually, Lily called me a little later and asked if I was still sad and not to be sad. It was really sweet and when I got to the house, she immediately ran to me and asked if I was still sad and said she would play with me and I wouldn't be sad anymore. She did make me feel better!)
Then, Jason called me, so when I answered, I was still crying and he was like, "what is wrong." I told him I was sick and tired of The Father in Law being rude and I wasn't going to take it anymore! He told me to calm down and come down to the duplex so I could help him move the fireplace the rest of the way. So, I went down there and helped move this dang thing in my white pants and wedges. But, thank God we finally got the dang thing back in the place and locked it up. To know me is to know I don't cry very much!! But, I am just so fragile and emotional with all the stuff going on in my life right now!!
The fireplace the vandals tried to steal. It is upside down and one side of the glass was busted out. I guess they figured it was a waste of their time at this point!
Before getting to the in laws, we stopped by Buy Buy Baby to get my Mother's Day gift. I had told Jason to get me this diaper bag I wanted, but Jason being Jason never went to get it, so of course we had to do it the day of.....But, at least I could make sure it was the one I really wanted. #WinWin
My new diaper bag! Perfect gift for my First Unofficial Mother's Day!
Then we made it to the in laws and I got to see my Little Sweet Lily! She brought me a gift and opened it for me and said, "This is for your wine, LuLu." She always knows how to make me smile!! Everyone noticed something was off with me, because I am usually pretty talkative, but I just pretty much kept to myself and just sat in the corner and you know what?????.....It was actually pretty pleasant just being off in a corner and talking to few of my favorite people over there. #turningoveranewleafattheinlaws
My Favorite people did make me feel better after we all sat in the corner and I told them what was wrong with me. They know how things go over there more than I do since most of them have been around longer than me! I don't think I will ever get used to their family dynamics, but I don't have to either. I can be my own person and don't have to agree with their ways or behaviors just like they don't have to agree with me or like things that I do. Different personalities is what makes the world what it is anyways! In the end, the in laws are good people that mean well and I do love them, but they just make me CRAZY!!! #thisisnormalright?????
This is going to get LOTS of use!! Lily knows me well!!! :-)
Today has been another rainy day! So, I have taken advantage of it and been spending the day to myself doing whatever I want to do at home! It was a great way to spend the day after what I dealt with yesterday! Now, I just need to have a glass of wine and wait for the Hubby to get home to eat dinner! Then, take a scolding hot bath and get ready to watch The Real Housewives of Orange County! #bestwaytoendtheday
Until next time!!