So, here is the story that has been pretty much a secret for a while now. It started back in December after we got back from Ohio visiting Jason's family. He had to do his part of the process, BUT it wasn't that easy for him so drastic measures had to be taken. So, anyways not to bore you all with details, just trust me that it was a PROCESS and one that I am sure he will not forget anytime soon!! So, this all took place on December 16, 2013 which was the same day that the Egg Donor would be doing the egg retrieval. Both parts had to be done at the same time so they could get the Embryos for the fresh transfer on day three or five. Five day is ideal, but if the Embryos aren't doing as well, they would do a three day transfer. Well, the Embryos were all good for a five day transfer. So, on Saturday, December 21, 2013 we went to get "B" and off to the clinic we went. It was raining that day, so it kind of delayed us a bit, but nothing too bad. So, they took us into a room to do the process of transferring the Embryos. Jason was out at that point, but I stayed with "B" for the transfer. The Dr. came in and it literally took him about three minutes to transfer the two Embryos. Then, "B" had to lay elevated for 30 minutes. Jason came back to the room to wait with us. Once that was done, we were off to McDonald's for fries. That is the Surrogate tradition I learned. So, we all ate our fries on the way to drop "B" off with her friend to relax for the rest of the day and night. This also happened to be the day of one of my Family Christmas' and it was SO hard to not say a word when my Grandpa asked how the Baby stuff is going. I know they want me to be a Mommy probably more than I do. But, I just didn't want to jinx anything, so I just said things were going well.
"B" had told me that she would probably be able to test on Christmas, but I told her I didn't want to know until after Christmas, just in case it didn't work. It would be too sad for me. The Dr. appointment to confirm the pregnancy was not until NYE, which I thought was AWESOME, well as long as it was good news!! But, the test would show as early as four days after transfer. Well, she said she just knew she was pregnant, so on Christmas night she took a test and it was POSITIVE! She said she jumped on the bed she was so excited. I didn't know she had tested, but the next day I was getting comments on the secret FB page I am on for people like me. :-) They were asking me if I had news and I was like, am I supposed to.....At that same time, "B" had text me to see if I could meet for lunch, but I was already with My Sister and Lily doing after Christmas shopping. It had become a tradition. So, I asked her if we could meet the next day and she said, sure. Well, I then told her what people on the board were asking me and she said, "Do you want news?" Of course I was like, yes. She then sent me the test I mentioned earlier. I then went to Pottery Barn kids and bought the first present for Baby R. It was a little stuffed elephant. If you know we well, you know the deal with me and elephants.
So, she continued testing daily to make sure the lines get darker. If they don't darker, my understanding is that it could be a chemical pregnancy. The lines did get darker as the days went on so I was confident that it worked. So, December 31, 2013 came and it was time for her to go to the IVF Clinic to get BETA. That is the blood test that determines pregnancy. The BETA number was 205. They said anything over 100 is a great number especially consider it was only 10 days from transfer. She then had to go back two days later to do another BETA in order to make sure the number grew. This time the number was 433. We were for sure having a Baby!!!
Now we just had to wait for the Sonogram to determine if there was one Baby or two. So, the sono appointment was set for January 13, 2014. Everyone that knew was hoping it was twins, but not this girl right here!! I would have been happy with two, but I really just wanted one Baby to cuddle and never let go!! That would be a lot harder with two at one time!! Everything was looking good with the sonogram and we were on track for the next appointment to hear the heartbeat. "B" was kind of upset that they didn't try to hear it at this one since it was six weeks. The IVF Clinic just wouldn't do it. We were really supposed to go for the sonogram at 5 1/2 weeks, but I was in Mexico at that time and "B" wanted to wait for me to get back before going.
So, we went to our next sonogram appointment on Friday, January 24th to see the development and hear the heartbeat. Jason was supposed to go, but work priorities got in the way. I was really a little disappointed since he had know about this appointment for a while and could have just exited the appointment he was on with one of his Sales People a little earlier. Of course, that revelation next crossed My Workaholic Husband's little mind!! So, the did the sonogram and I could see the little flutter of the heartbeat on the what looks like a blob on the screen. It was really fast. So, then the Dr. turned on the sound and we heard the little heartbeat. It was SO awesome to hear. I will never forget that sound!! I hate that Jason will never get that moment!! The IVF Clinic was so excited for us after all we have been through, so it was a little bittersweet to be done with them and move on to the OBGYN.
The frame was a sweet gift from our Surro Family. The picture is the latest sonogram.